
Top 5 most popular questions about being overweight

As a psychologist, I see the main reasons as the fact that people do not constructively build their relationship with food and their body, resulting in eating disorders and, as one of the consequences, overweight

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Why is it important to eat a varied diet and how to do it?

Variety in diet is the key to a healthy lifestyle. In this article, we will talk about the benefits of eating a varied diet and what foods to include in your diet to ensure your body is getting all the nutrients it needs

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How to lose weight safely?

It would seem that losing weight is very simple. It is enough to adhere to a strict diet, actively engage in sports, and extra pounds will disappear. But this approach to reducing body weight is not always effective and safe

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Switching to a summer diet: what to eat in the heat for health and beauty

Many people note that at different times of the year we are drawn to different foods. And this is true, given that the need for nutrients and other substances varies depending on the environment

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