Top 5 most popular questions about being overweight
1. What are the true causes of weight gain and eating disorders?

As a psychologist, I see the main reasons as the fact that people do not constructively build their relationship with food and their body, resulting in eating disorders and, as one of the consequences, overweight. On the other hand, the main reason for gaining excess weight is the inability to correctly recognize and satisfy hunger. Hunger is physiological and hunger is "mental". In this sense, we can say that a full person is a severely hungry person, although to many, of course, this will seem very strange.

2. How should one eat to lose weight?

To lose weight, you can try a variety of dietary restrictions, ranging from separate diets to severe starvation. But in order to become a slim person and remain so further, it is necessary to eat tasty, nourishing and healthy. As soon as one thing falls out (pleasure from food, satiety or usefulness), the path to slimness is very difficult.

3. Is it possible to eat after 18:00?

If you go to bed, like the average person, at 22:00-01:00, that is, after 18:00, then not only can, but you should. Otherwise, you will accumulate hunger, which will eventually lead to a slowdown in metabolic processes and weight gain, or just to a breakdown and evening "zazhor".

4. Is overweight dangerous for health?

According to the latest data, which, in particular, can be found in the book "Intuitive Nutrition" by S. Bronnikova, women with a BMI of 25 to 30 have statistically longer life expectancy and lower health risks, although according to the WHO classification these same indicators are considered overweight. Therefore, a slight excess of overweight for women can even be beneficial. Unless, of course, it is 20 or more extra kilograms. Greater health risks are associated with the way of eating, physical activity and the presence or absence of bad habits than with the kilograms themselves.

Thus, a woman who has 5-10 extra kilograms, but leads an active lifestyle, has no bad habits and has in her diet a lot of vegetables, fruits, complex carbohydrates and protein, will have significantly lower health risks than her slender colleague who drinks 6 cups of coffee a day, leads a sedentary lifestyle and eats mainly convenience foods and fast food.

5. I gained weight after giving birth, what should I do now?

If your weight is bothering you, you have every chance to get rid of it. But for this purpose in no case you do not need to resort to dietary restrictions, especially if you are breastfeeding. The important thing will be not to build up hunger, to have a regular and nourishing breakfast, lunch, dinner, and to look for ways to take care of your needs in your new role (that of mom) without the help of food.
