Switching to a summer diet: what to eat in the heat for health and beauty

Many people note that at different times of the year we are drawn to different foods. And this is true, given that the need for nutrients and other substances varies depending on the environment. Of course, it is important to be able to listen to your body and understand why in the heat we want cold okroshka, and in winter we do not even think about it. Based on the knowledge of medicine, the characteristics of products and peeking into the piggy bank of folk wisdom, let's learn how to eat right in the summer - for health and beauty.

Summer is the time of other food

In summer time, the human body falls into different conditions of vital activity: the light period is significantly increased, which makes the night sleep shorter. A person leads a more active lifestyle against the background of accelerated metabolism and much more in need of fluids than in food. All this, as scientists say, dictates a different relationship to the nutritional content of the summer diet: it is necessary to reduce the caloric content of dishes by 5-10% with an increase in air temperature every ten degrees. And that means we should not only eat less, but lighter meals in the heat.

Early dawn - early breakfast

It is not without reason that in summer all living things wake up at the crack of dawn and become active. Man is also desirable in the summer days to get up as early as possible and soon proceed to breakfast. And if in the cold season it is recommended to saturate the first meal with carbohydrates, then in summer we change the composition of breakfast to proteins. In short, do not touch yet favorite oatmeal, and cook scrambled eggs, cottage cheese with sour cream, cut off a piece of cheese.

We postpone and the time of lunch: we will try to do it before 12 hours. In the menu should be introduced low-fat first courses, cereal recipes, potatoes, vegetable salads, fruit. In the midst of a hot day, you need to snack on yogurt, kefir, ryazhenka and other similar products. And at six or seven in the evening you can treat yourself and your loved ones to a healthy dinner consisting of meat or fish products with the addition of a portion of vegetables. And do not load your stomach with food before going to bed: the last meal should be at least three hours before going to bed! If you still feel an unpleasant feeling of hunger before going to bed, you can drink half a glass of fermented milk product.

Features of food preparation in the summer

Cooking in summer should take into account such an important nuance as the rate of multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms in different products.

It is this factor that affects the time of suitability of dishes.Even in the refrigerator, a salad of vegetables dressed with mayonnaise can sour unexpectedly quickly, although its shelf life is up to six hours.Doctors recommend giving up this sauce, switching to oil of vegetable origin: olive, corn, flax seed and mustard. But they should be taken at a rate of 2-3 tablespoons per day per eater.Salads are better cut in large pieces, leafy greens - just tear with your hands after thorough washing.

In summer, the body will gratefully accept food that you cook in a "lightened" format: steamed, in a multicooker, on the grill.As you can see, it is better to avoid frying in oil and fat: boiled is healthier and better digested.

Special mention should be made of grilling.In the summertime, it is faster and easier to grill fish instead of meat. Treat yourself to red fish: salmon, pink salmon, trout.
