transition to a healthy lifestyle and a new way of life
  • Useful recipes
  • Short and effective exercises
  • Nutritionist and psychologist
  • Affirmations
Go over
problems that most women face
I can't go on a diet: all the food is tasteless for me
The whole family has to cook different dishes
I have no willpower, I constantly break down
There is absolutely no energy and time to take care of yourself
what is the complex path to a healthy lifestyle?
11% Maintaining the result
Getting rid of excess weight is one thing, keeping the result is another
14% Improving self-esteem
You will enjoy your reflection in the mirror, enjoy every day, freely choose clothes!
16% ВInspiration and support
The path to an ideal body requires sincere desire and motivation. We will support you and help you not to lose it!
23% Effective workouts
Perfectly matched exercises, with an emphasis on women's problem areas and with an emphasis on weight loss from the trainer
19% IUnique menu
It is developed taking into account your KBZHU. Delicious recipes from affordable and familiar products, easy to prepare
17% Of the psychologist's lectures
Get rid of sweet and flour addiction, work out problem points and learn how to control your appetite
Healthy lifestyle as a value of a modern person
Those who are desperate to embark on the path of a healthy lifestyle with the help of all kinds of life hacks on the Internet, it's time to get their heads together. Follow only in a reliable way. Don't waste your time, start right now!
01 Wake up and move
The more you move during the day, the more your body burns fat. It's simple: as your muscle mass increases, so does your body's energy needs. The body should get at least 90 minutes of physical activity per week
02 Stick to protein
While many nutritionists urge you to start the morning with oatmeal, studies show that replacing a cereal breakfast with egg food helps reduce the number of calories consumed over the next 36 hours!
03 Eat first courses
It is proven that people who eat soup at least once a day lose weight faster than those who do not. And that's because first meals give a long-lasting feeling of fullness, filling the stomach
04 Make the right grocery basket
To get on the path to weight loss, scientists advise choosing healthy foods with only one ingredient - meat, dairy products, vegetables, fruits and berries. These should be the basis of the diet
05 Don't complicate anything
The fewer complicated rules and restrictions you have in your weight loss plan, the better. Complex diets can be burdensome, so choose the path that seems simpler to you
06 Reduce the food window
By "food window," scientists mean the range of times a person can consume food. Researchers believe that the time a person eats is just as important as what they eat
Taking into account all the important factors, we have created a course in which you will be accompanied from drawing up a complete course program to visible results
The process of losing weight is under the control of caring curators. With our course, the path to the dream figure will be easy and comfortable
our rates
Full access
210 $
113 $
  • Access to the platform for 12 months
  • Personal training and nutrition program based on your goals and capabilities
  • 6 training modules
  • 105 recipes
Trial access
210 $
1 $
  • Access to the platform for 1 day
  • Personal training and nutrition program based on your goals and capabilities
  • 2 training modules
  • 25 recipes
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